Kelly Kinney Pay it Forward Grants
The grant funds projects for Strongsville kids, ages 3 to 18, who want to help bolster their community in some way.
Individuals, groups, schools, churches, and community youth groups may apply for funding. Youths or adults may write the application where age appropriate. Grants will be awarded in 3 age groups. Preschool-Grade 3, Grades 4-8, and Grades 9-12. This grant is open to all students, ages 3-18, who reside in Strongsville and attend public, parochial, or private schools and who are home schooled.
The Pay it Forward Grants were named in the honor of Kelly Kinney. She was a 12-year-old Strongsville girl who was known for her service and kindness. Kelly passed away in 2015 after battling cancer but her legacy of serving continues.